Most companies need BDR Specialists because sometimes bad things happen to good companies. Data is the currency of the digital world. If something were to happen to your data, it would be disastrous for many reasons. For example, imagine being hacked or the victim of a natural disaster or equipment malfunction, only to be left with the information in your head and what you might have written down on a sticky note somewhere. You might as well just lock up the doors and go home!
Deeptree’s BDR Specialists
Backup disaster recovery specialists help you avoid these scenarios. With the DeepTree anaged backup disaster recovery service, our goal is two-fold. First, DeepTree make sure that your data is backed up so smoothly that you don’t even know we’re there. Second, we put in all precautions to ensure you never ever actually need to rely on your backup.
What does a Backup Disaster Recovery Specialist offer?
There are really two jobs that backup disaster recovery specialists do. First, they make and implement a plan to backup your data outside your primary computer network. This might include backup drives, offsite servers or even a cloud solution, depending on what’s most appropriate for your operation and budget. If done well, you can recover any lost data with a simple click of a button.
The second job BDR specialists do is really where they earn their keep. Occasionally after data loss, the backup appears inaccessible or non-exist (think a deliberate cyber attack or mistaken wiping of a drive). In that case, these professionals do everything they can get that data back. At the very least, they confirm whether or not the data would be recoverable at all. This comes into play for simple file deletions all the way to ransomware encrypting entire networks.